Dick and Jane 4 Book Reading Gift Set in Slipcase

Dick and Jane 4 Book Reading Gift Set in Slipcase
Item# DJ4BKS
Regular price: $50.00
Sale price: $45.00

Product Description

Dick and Jane 4 Book Reading Gift Set in Slipcase
Dick and Jane: 4 Book Reading Set

Fun Wherever We Are
We Play and Pretend
We Play Outside
Fun with Our Family

Hardcover, 144 pages

Age Range: 4 to 6

Dick, Jane, Sally, Spot, and Puff are back to engage a whole new generation of readers! These 144-page books replicate the cloth readers that generations grew up with. With short stories and text from the original Dick and Jane basic readers, these are perfect chapter books for eager new readers!

Dick and Jane: Fun Wherever We Are
In this book, Dick, Jane, and Sally always have fun whether at the playground, at the petstore, or on a car trip. Will Dick get another dog? Will Sally finally win a game of hide-and-go-seek? And who are Dick and Jane's favorite friends?

Contents: Go, Go, Go; Jane; Puff; Help! Help!; Jane and Puff; Come and Ride; Look in Here; Look Here; Tim; Mike; Pam; Down, Down, Down; Jump, Jump, Jump; Look at Me; Will Spot Run Away?; Here I Come; Who Wants to Ride?; A Book for Sally; Look Here; Get the Ball In; See It Work; The Dog for Dick; Guess What It Is; What Is This?; Fun for Three; Dick and Father; Up and Down; Do Something Funny; A Funny House; What Will We Get?; Guess Who; and Something Red

We Play and Pretend
Dick, Jane, and Sally are dressed up for a game of make-believe. Spot and Puff are there too. Where will they go after they take a ride in their pretend car?

Contents: The Hat; Sally and Billy; Work to Do; Mother Helps Pete; A Good Dog; Two Funny Girls; The Little House; Here We Go; Spot Finds Something; Get a Horse; Susan Reads a Book; Tim Takes a Ride; How Funny We Look!; Sally Helps Mother; Who Knows?; Pete's Birthday; Look Out!; Who Can Get a Duck?; Time to Go Home; Something for Billy; The New Game; Away to the Farm; A Funny Cake; A Ride on Clown; Where is Sally?; Fire! Fire!; What a Day!; Fun at the Zoo; Fun with Friends

We Play Outside
It's summertime, and Dick, Jane, and Sally can't wait to spend time together! Join them as they play ball, spend time with their friends, and have fun with their pets, Spot and Puff.

Contents: Spot; Puff; Silly Spot; Sally Plays; Funny Puff; Funny Pam; Funny Spot; Sally and Spot; Father; Spot Wants to Play; Can Sally Play?; Mother and Jane; Sally; Mike and Father; Sally and Jane; Something Funny; Sally and Dick; Play; Play Ball; Sally Helps; Dick and Mother; Sally and Mother; Sally Grandmother; Mike; At the Farm; Mother Makes Something; Dick and Father; Go Home; Penny; Funny Frog; Grandfather

Fun with Our Family
Dick, Jane, Sally, Mother, and Father are not the only family having fun. This time, meet Mike, twin sisters Pam and Penny, and their parents. Two families mean twice the laughs and twice the fun. Beginning readers will love the way each chapter is an individual story, and parents and educators will appreciate the way this format encourages young readers' progression.

Contents: Spot; Jane; Jump, Sally; Father; Mother; Spot and Dick; Here Is Dick; Jump Down; Find Sally and Tim; Play Ball; Pam and Penny; Come and See; Get the Ball; Find Mike; Dick; Sally; Help Spot; See Sally Help; Mike and Penny; Look at That; Can Pam Find Make?; See Puff Play; Find Tim; Here Is the Ball; Dick Helps Jane; Puff Wants a Ride; Father and Dick; The Big Red Book; Penny Works; Three Little Dogs; Who Will Jump?; A Ride with Father; and Away We Go

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